Heart Meter Charlotte NC

Heart Meter is on Pause...

Ok slight pun intended. In all seriousness a lot of folks have asked me how things are going with Heart Meter and it's time to announce I've made the decision to let it sit for the time being. My personal and professional life are taking all I have to give right now.

I will be working toward using the remaining funds toward a few more donation deliveries. I'm taking down the donation buttons - I don't feel ethical accepting funds without a clear plan or time when I'll be using them. I really encourage anyone wanting to support Heart Meter to reach out to Share Charlotte. I'm sure they would be more than happy to find another deserving nonprofit that would love your support.

As many of you know Heart Meter is a passion project of mine. I've dedicated a lot of nights and weekends to it and I love it. I love that we've donated over 500 video games, 71 systems, and volunteered over 100 hours at local children's hospitals. I love the impact we've made and I wish everyone who has supported this project could see that impact first hand like I have. I love all of you that have supported this and believed in me.

Player 1 has left the game. For now.