I’m always on the lookout for new facilities to support, especially facilities where the donations can have the most impact. I’ve met some really amazing people providing inspirational services across North Carolina, the latest is Alexander Youth Network. Their mission is to provide quality professional treatment to children with serious emotional and behavioral problems. Many have seen abuse first hand. They provide services on campus so that the children are in a safe, familiar place.
I was introduced to AYN by Amber, she’s the Community Relations Manager of the Charlotte Checkers. She put me in contact with Angela, she’s the Development Officer, In-Kind Giving Administrator, and Volunteer Groups Coordinator (3 jobs?!). We met for coffee and you can immediately see how much Angela lights up about the work they’re doing. I know how much of a change it sparks in me when I see children benefitting from the work I do, with Angela it’s that times 10. She really believes in their mission, so I was instantly hooked. I started planning the donation and was able to deliver it on 8/16. That delivery consisted of 11 games, a Wii, and an Xbox.
When I was there I took a quick look around their facility, I immediately realized it’s beautiful. Tons of space and tucked away in a neighborhood. It felt like a small college campus in the middle of the burbs.
Pictures from my delivery to Alexander Youth Network. Read more here - www.heartmeter.org/alexander-youth-network.html
Posted by Heart Meter on Saturday, August 22, 2015
This will not be my last delivery to Alexander Youth Network. We’ve also bounced around the idea of having a game day, similar to what I’ve done with Holy Angels in the past, so look for that announcement soon.
I’m still looking for new facilities to support. If you know of one in North Carolina (preferably in the Charlotte region) I want to hear from you. Please reach out to me - andrew (at) heartmeter.org. Until then, check out my mission if you haven’t already and donate if you can.
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