If you haven’t looked into Mission Cute, you should. A great friend of mine, Samantha Ledford, founded it. Sam married one of my closest friends after a few years of what’s probably the most story book romance I’ve ever seen. She’s a giving woman, caring friend, and loving mother.
On top of all that she launched a subscription box service filled with cute things but also with a mission (get it?!). She donates a portion of every month’s sales to a different nonprofit. Each month the community can recommend a nonprofit and vote on where they want their funds to go. Of course, collaboration between Mission Cute and Heart Meter came up.
I hesitated a bit before reaching out to Sam for help. I didn’t want her to feel obligated to compromise her audience to spam out Heart Meter, but she jumped at the opportunity. Even asking me why I waited so long.
September is childhood cancer awareness month, in honor of that she and I are putting together a video game themed box. There’s some stiff competition to be the winning nonprofit, so this is where I need some help. Please go to Mission Cute’s Community page and vote for Heart Meter. But act quickly – voting ends August 1st.
Regardless of whether Heart Meter is the nonprofit of the month, the box will still be a collaboration between us. So really it's a win / win. I've actually had more fun that I thought I would in helping to find products. This experience in general has been amanzing, and it's cool to see how someone in such a similar space works.
After you’ve voted don’t stop there. Read more about Mission Cute and reach out to her. She’s eager to get more involved in the community and you’ll walk away from each interaction with her better for it. I know I always do.
Thanks to everyone who voted Heart Meter will be the September partner, and 50% of all proceeds will go to our mission. Don't wait, the last day to order is September 10th! Click here to subscribe.
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