Heart Meter Charlotte NC

Summer Share 2017

Summer is the season of beaches, pools, and long summer days spent outside with many people taking a break from work and responsibilities. Unfortunately that also applies to charitable donations. Donations and volunteer engagement plummet during this time, and Share Charlotte wants to do something about it. That's why they've partnered with Bank of America on their SummerSHARE campaign.

SummerSHARE brings 116 Charlotte nonprofits together for a big, off-season push. Each nonprofit creates a wishlist of things they need, a total 1,824 ranging from office supplies to PlayStation controllers. Any item purchased goes directly to the nonprofit and you know exactly what your contribution is. Win-win.

There's a lot of weight behind this campaign, including the unstoppable Corri Smith. Corri is the founder of Black Wednesday Social Co and a powerhouse in the social media / PR community. She approached me wanting to kick off SummerSHARE with a crowdfunding campaign for Heart Meter. We had the idea to raise enough money to purchase two Nintendo Switches, games and accessories to donate to Levine Children's Hospital and Hemby Children's Hospital.

Her goal was to raise $1,234 in one day. I thought this was aggressive and I’m glad to be wrong. She raised $1,385. I was blown away. You guys know I’m all about transparency, here’s how the funds will be used:

I want to offer a HUGE thank you to Corri, the Share Charlotte team, and everyone who rallied behind this campaign.

As exciting as this is, we’re not done. Still want to help out? Be sure to check my Share Charlotte wish list. You have until Friday, July 21 to help #GiveNeedAVacay.

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